UTC Approvals to Use 630- and/or 2,200-Meter Bands Arriving via E-Mail
E-mails have gone out to an undetermined number of US radio amateurs from the Utilities Technology Council (UTC), approving the stations’ intention to use 630 meters (472-479 kHz) and/or 2,200 meters (135.7-137.8 kHz).
“UTC has determined that your proposed Amateur Radio station would not operate within a horizontal distance of one kilometer from a transmission line that conducts a power line carrier (PLC) signal in the 135.7-137.8 | 472.0-479.0 [kHz] bands,” read one UTC notice shared with ARRL.
The notices apparently began arriving on October 13. Section 97.313(g)(2) of the Amateur Service rules requires that, prior to starting operation on either band, radio amateurs must notify UTC that they intend operate by submitting their call signs, intended band(s) of operation, and the coordinates of their antenna’s fixed location. The new rules do not permit any mobile operation.
“Amateur stations will be permitted to commence operations after a 30-day period, unless UTC notifies the station that its fixed location is located within 1 kilometer of Power Line Carrier (PLC) systems operating on the same or overlapping frequencies,” the FCC said in announcing approval of the notification system on September 15.
There was no prior indication that UTC would specifically grant operating approvals.
UTC Approvals to Use 630- and/or 2,200-Meter Bands Arriving via E-Mail — No Comments
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