Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC (2:00 P.M.) Saturday and running through 2059 UTC (4:59 P.M.) Sunday. Field Day 2024 is June 22-23.
We are looking for volunteers to help with Field Day, June 22, 9:00 A.M. We will meet at Floyd Bennett Field to start setting up antennas and communications equipment. Please Fill out the Field Day form so we know what and whom to expect on Field Day.
We also need operators. If you would like to operate, please send us an email with the time you would like to sit in the Captain’s Chair. You can bring your own keyers, headphones, and a radio if you want.
This is a great opportunity for your kids, introducing them to the world of Amateur Radio by letting them contact other Hams worldwide. They do not have to be licensed as long as a Licensed Operator for the Band they are on is Present.
Below is the map of Floyd Bennett Field and a Map of our Location
Talk in: 146.730 – split (input 146.730) PL 88.5 Hz (Input simplex freq. can be used if the repeater is not reachable) Or Call 718-986-7304
We will coordinate some activities via our Discord server.
The entrance to Floyd Bennett Field is at the bottom of the map. Follow the line until you reach the water’s edge, and we will set up there.
I will be operating from Floyd Bennett Field as well! Will stop by and say hello.
James, WC1A
Are we back to our traditional location?