The Kings County Radio Club meets on the first Wednesday of every month, currently on Zoom video conferencing. We would like you to join us, send us an email with your email address that you would like the Invite to be sent. You do not have to be a member to attend our meetings. In fact, we urge those interested to drop in and join us for our monthly meeting.

We offer a “pre-meeting” during the 7 PM to 8 PM portion, where we have arranged for an informal question and answer session. Both unlicensed, as well as license holders, may have questions, and our members will try our best to provide answers or at least sources of information for those requiring them.

The General Meetings begin around 8 PM and usually last until 9:30 to 10 PM.





Club Meeting — 36 Comments

  1. Hello Im Ted would like to join the meeting on tomorrow Tuesday 12/9/14 I recently cleaned an apartment out and the person had a lot of HAM radio equipment one I don’t know what to do with it and two I myself have always been interested in HAM radio as I travel a lot in remote parts of the world soo Im looking for some direction please also my number is (REMOVED) thankyou

  2. Hi I’m interested in getting my license and would like to know when the next class and test being held. Thank you

  3. Hi, I live in downtown NYC- ground zero. I am in serious need of an elmer. I am currently a Tech and am studying for my general. I- for the life of me, just can’t get a signal in or out. Yaseu 857-d/ atas 120a/ wolf river coil 1000 silver bullet. 19th floor with terrace and absolutely no signal….Help.


    • withe the wolf river coil 1000 silver bullet you should be able to get out. where are you placing the antenna is it indoors on a terace in the back yard. you said by ground zero so I assume you are near the Apartment buildings on the side of the river?

      • Hi, thanks for the response. I was looking out for an email. Sorry I didn’t see this sooner. I live across the street from the hospital/ Pace university. I have the antenna out on my terrace in a horizontal position. I was looking at the pl-259 connection and see that its a solid piece as opposed to others that I see online which require soldering- IE, the part of the pl-259 which is inserted into the so-239 on the back of the radio. I am using 3 11 ft lengths of 10 gauge wire as counter poise connected to the antenna itself. No matter what I do, I just am not receiving signal. My swr is always 9+. I really need help here. The tech test just hasnt prepared me at all. I’ve also tried the same radio with the atas 120a and same responce???

  4. Hi, I’m interested in learning how to use a Ham Radio, getting equipment, and getting liscenced. I learn more easily through instruction than reading a book or equipment manual, so I’ve been searching for a class or meetup in Brooklyn or manhattan (or queens) that is newcomer-friendly… any ideas are appreciated! I am completely new to it but want to learn.

    • Hi Sarah
      We do not offer class’s yet, But if you come down to our next meeting we can go over how the test works and what type of equipment you will need with the expectations and options you have available for antenna and equipment can find the address and time on this page above

    • Hey, sarah, im very interested in the hobby myself and need a crash course or two for newbies, if u already found one plz let me know how i can inject myself into the world of ham…..

  5. Greetings,

    I’ll be taking the Technician Exam with you guys on 7/21/19, but would like to come to the club meeting on 6/5/19. I’ll see you guys at the club meeting, and I’ll join after I PASS the exam!!!


    • GMRS is not part of the Amature Radio Service. That being said:
      Found this on Google.
      New GMRS licenses are granted only to individuals, but GMRS licenses granted to non-individuals (such as businesses) before July 31, 1987, can be renewed if certain conditions are met. You can apply for a GMRS license online, or by filing FCC Form 605. The FCC sets license filing fees annually, and licenses are granted for 10 years.
      Also found this:


  6. Are there any plans to resume in-person meetings given that reason for going fully virtual was the COVID-19 pandemic and the federal Public Health Emergency declaration for COVID-19 expired last year?

  7. Thank you for allowing my membership, and sending me the nice patch! Just wanted to say I won’t be on the air from the Indian reservation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota anymore. I started moving back to the home QTH in Alliance, Nebraska slowly a few weeks ago, so the radio stuff was first to go. You’ll be hearing me from there when I get it all together again. I decided to retire a year earlier than I thought after all.
    Thanks, Ken N2VHZ “N-2-very-high-zeppelin”

  8. I know how to read/write in CW at about 15-20wpm. I want to operate a QRP setup that I can deploy very easily from my small apartment window or at prospect park. I have never owned any radios before.. is anyone able to help guide me on how to get started? I got licensed years ago by memorizing the questions but no real world experience

    • Have you considered attending one of our Zoom based General Meetings? We use the first hour from 7-8 PM for people to ask any technical questions that they have. You would also have an opportunity to build up a personal connection with club members.

      Our next General Meeting will be Octer 9, 204 at 7 PM. If you contact me, AC2GS I can give you a link to our Zoom meeting.

      You can also consider joining the club. An application is available on this web site.

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