Gus Browning Memorial DXpedition Offers Opportunity to Work Bhutan on Top Band
If you have not already worked Bhutan on 160 meters, the Gus Browning Memorial DXpedition starting this weekend (and again briefly later this month) may be your big chance, especially if you live on the US West Coast.
Bhutan (A5) is #89 on the Club Log DXCC Most Wanted List overall, but it’s #22 on 160 meters (and the third most-wanted on the West Coast).
Named for Gus Browning, W4BPD, a famous DXer of yesteryear, the event will run October 12-19 and again, for just one night, on October 26, with Steve Jones, N6SJ, at the helm of A52SJ (CW, 1.826.5 MHz; FT8, 1.840 MHz).
Jones recalled working Browning in Bhutan while a teenager living in California in 1965 and dreamed of visiting there someday. A52SJ will be running 500 W to an inverted L with two elevated radials, plus a full-wave Beverage for receiving. He figures optimal times will be around 1300 to 1400. Browning was the first DXer elected to the CQ DX Hall of Fame. — Thanks to The Daily DX
Gus Browning Memorial DXpedition Offers Opportunity to Work Bhutan on Top Band — No Comments
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