Roy’s References
Here’s a short list of interesting references that have been placed in the public domain. They are free, but worth much more!
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KEYS IV… And More: The Finale – The final beautiful morse code key picture book from SK Dave Ingram, K4TWJ, who prior to his death released it as a free PDF as long as it was not used in a commercial site. It’s a beautiful book and it might interest or re-interest you into “The Wonderful World of CW”!
Zen and The Art of Radiotelegraphy – An excellent book that can be helpful in learning Morse Code as well as improving your proficiency.
Understanding Antennas For The Non-Technical Ham – A very nice non-technical discussion of “How Antennas Work”. It’s not The ARRL Antenna Handbook or the Antenna Engineering Handbook by Dr. John Volakis, but it is an easy yet informative read.